9 results

National Recreational Fishing Conference bursary 2019

Introduction Over the 10th and 11th of December 2019, the Australian Recreational Fishing Federation held their biannual National recreational Fishing Conference in Hobart, Tasmania. The theme of this conference was “Our Fishing. Our Research. Our Recreational Future”. In response to...
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

Developing FRDC’s 2020-2025 RD&E Plan

This report covers the second of two CSIRO contributions to the project FRDC 2018-197. This project was reviewing FRDC research objectives through a process that developed alternative scenarios of possible futures relevant to Australian fisheries. Discussed here is the development of a...
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)

Industry capability and mapping report and workshop

Project number: 2018-195
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $24,039.36
Principal Investigator: Crispian Ashby
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 1 Apr 2019 - 29 May 2019


There is a need to undertake a capability and capacity audit given that the landscape has changed and also that SIA is now established. This should be by way of a review and then workshop to discuss roles and responsibilities.


1. Understand current capacity, capability and activities
2. Scope ways to gain efficiencies in roles and responsibilities

Final report

Author: Ewan Colquhoun
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.
Final Report • 2019-04-01 • 700.78 KB


In 2018 the Australia Seafood Industry established a national peak industry body – Seafood Industry Australia (SIA). SIA’s charter is to manage issues of national significance to the seafood industry.
The current functional capability (staff, funding, systems, networks) of the SIA organisation is limited as it establishes itself as the leader in a new national seafood industry governance structure. In this early stage SIA is significantly reliant on its members and seafood stakeholders, whose existing capacity and capability range widely across many seafood issues. However, several existing mature seafood organisations have developed and now hold significant professional capability in key areas relevant to their respective needs and to SIA’s charter.
The objective of this project is to: (to be confirmed)
• Map the organisational capacity and capability based on consultation with leading seafood organisations,
• Provide data to FRDC and SIA regarding the assessment of capability options for SIA,
• Establish a spreadsheet tool to enable ready updating and analysis of seafood functions in the future.

Travel bursary: Symposium on Responsible Fishing Technology for Healthy Ecosystems and Clean Environment

The Award recipient participated in the annual ICES-FAO Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour Working Group (ICES-FAO WGFTFB) meeting on April 8 - 12, 2019. This meeting was hosted by Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China, although each year the meeting is held in a different location. The...
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
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