336 results

Market potential for jack mackerel

Project number: 1979-015
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Tasmanian Smokehouse
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1980 - 31 Dec 1980


1. Ascertain the potential continuity of supply of jack mackerel for primary & secondary processing.
2. Undertake product development.
3. Investigate market potential, domestically and overseas.

Final report

Final Report • 1.73 MB


Market potential for jack mackerel

4th National Rock Lobster Congress - market development workshop

Two years on from Congress 3 in Fremantle 2003, lobster prices are 30% lower, the SA Northern Zone has adopted quota, lobster propagation is developing and product quality is a given in markets. As well, lobster markets, marketing, market development, Marine Stewardship Certification, supply...
Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)

Seafood CRC: repositioning Australian farmed Barramundi in the domestic market

Project number: 2008-794.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $284,000.00
Principal Investigator: Janet Howieson
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 8 Nov 2009 - 30 Jul 2012


During the past 5 years Australian farmed barramundi production has increased from 2,700 tonnes in 2003/04 to an expected 6,000 tonnes in 2008/09 while average farm gate prices have fallen. This coupled with the current global recession is impacting significantly on the profitability of the barramundi farmers.

There is an opportunity and need to develop and implement a repositioning strategy for the domestic market that enables Australian farmed Baramundi to be differentiated from its competitors and to deliver on consumer expectations for quality and price.


1. To develop, trial and evaluate at least two repositioning strategies for Australian farmed barramundi on the domestic market.
2. At least two ABFA members undertaking consumer driven product and market development activities to support the repositioning strategies

Seafood CRC: assessment of new market opportunities and development of effective market penetration strategies for Australian Southern Rocklobster in the USA, Middle East & Europe.

Project number: 2007-704
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,277,108.07
Principal Investigator: Matthew Muggleton
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2007 - 30 Jun 2010


The traditional Southern Rocklobster supply chain is complex involving many changes of ownership from the wharf to the consumer. It is a commodity selling structure with many competing exporters selling to limited export markets, namely China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The chain does not involve a brand, traceability and information flows between catchers and consumers. The structure positions Southern Rocklobster on the basis of price, and serves to minimise premiums based on quality, service and brand recognition.

Fishers in this structure have little appreciation of the chain and market opportunities and have limited understanding of market needs and consumer preferences. Hence they are weak sellers and price takers.

Previous R&D has shown that re-engineering supply chains into diversified markets, based on market requirements and fisher ownership through the chain, can create opportunities to capture premiums for product quality and integrity.

However, each market differs and additional R&D is required to build on the modest gains that have been made to date.

Value for money
A benefits cost analysis has been undertaken based on the following key assumptions:
- a $1/kg increase in price each year for 10 years across the entire harvest
- 500 tonnes pa being supplied to diversified markets by year 5
- $8.5/kg increase in chain returns above beach price increase, from product supplied to diversified markets and
- Ongoing commercial support costs beyond year 5 in the order of $1m per annum.

The discounted cumulative cash flow generated over 10 years at 10% discount rate is approximately $135m.

Level of Impact
SRL aims to build the value of exports by $90m per annum in the long term through market development, and based on the above assumptions, this project is expected to contribute approximately $45m - $50m per annum to the target.


1. Determine the super premium markets for Australian Southern Rocklobster in the USA (Mid West, Central, South and East coasts), Middle East and Europe.
2. Determine the Australian Southern Rocklobster and supply specification requirements of the Middle East and European markets.
3. Evaluate the supply chain (SRL Management Model) performance in the USA and Domestic market.
4. Identify effective market entry strategies to achieve market penetration in the USA (Mid West, Central, South and East Coast).

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9803977-3-4
Author: Matthew Muggleton
Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Canned crab production and canned crab market development

Project number: 1997-415
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Dean Bottrill
Organisation: Grandax Crab Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 4 May 1998 - 30 Jun 1999


1. Establish a commercial crab canning line using machine picked crab meat (with 2 to 8 being sub ojectives)
2. Establish procedures for mechanical picking and handling of crab meat.
3. Set and establish procedures and registration for crab meat canning.
4. Prepare HACCP procedures and registrations as required for an export canned crab meat line.
5. Prepare thermal process registration for export canned crab meat and achieve thermal process registration as required.
6. Train and register staff, where required, in procedures for crab canning.
7. Complete testing of line mechanics after set up.
8. Complete testing of production line and ensure production procedures conform to appropriate quality assurance procedures.
9. Investigate markets for canned blue swimmer crab meat (with 10 to 13 being sub objectives)
10. Investigate and establish the markets providing the canned crab meat price necessary to ensure the viability of the project. Obtain samples of canned crab meat from those markets to assess their requirements regarding drained weights, packing methods, meat piece size, flavour, label requirements etc.
11. Prepare laboratory samples of canned crab meat using different formulations (salt, etc) for the specified markets to determine the specific market requirements.
12. Develop the information required on the label in the target markets eg. Nutritional panel information, etc.
13. Submit samples to the proposed markets to assess the preferred formulations and the acceptance of the proposed label information.
14. Assess market response to laboratory samples and prepare commercial samples of canned blue swimmer crab meat to prove production procedures and complete staff training and for cans for distribution in the market place.

Non-Market Impact Valuation for Fisheries RD&E (Phase I)

This report, titled ‘Non-Market Impact Valuation for Fisheries RD&E – Phase I: An Investigation and Gap Analysis of Non-Market Impact Valuation Studies for Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture RD&E’, presents the findings of the first stage of a process to assess and...
Agtrans Research
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