14 Dec 2023
FRDC's 2022-23 Annual Report illustrates how the organisation has set new benchmarks in research, development, and innovation with an investment of over $33 million in Australia's fishing and...
14 Dec 2023
Smartphone apps can add valuable information about recreational fishing catch and effort to improve fisheries management, but further research is needed to make them a robust alternative to the...
14 Dec 2023
A new research project is working with Aboriginal communities to gather biological data on two mud crab species in Western Australia to help develop local fisheries and provide economic opportunities...
14 Dec 2023
FRDC’s Extension Officer Network (EON) are the quiet achievers of fishing and aquaculture as they bridge the gap between FRDC’s research and real-world...
14 Dec 2023
FRDC is delighted to be part of a new ground-breaking project to chart the course for Australia’s seafood expansion. This ambitious undertaking, titled ‘Futures of Seafood’ (FRDC-Project 2023-092),...
14 Dec 2023
A range of new Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) products designed for Australians are hitting the market, allowing producers to diversify and improve the viability of the sector.  By...
13 Dec 2023
Welcome to the Year in Review at FRDC! In the whirlwind of calendar year 2023, FRDC thrived on innovation, collaboration, and impactful initiatives. Throughout the year, our team spearheaded 113...
12 Dec 2023
As we reel in 2023, FRDC casts warm wishes your way for a festive season teeming with joy and goodwill. In the vast waters of progress, this year has been a bounty of collaboration and innovation...
23 Nov 2023
Translocating smaller Pipis (Donax deltoides) from overcrowded beds to less populated beaches is helping to improve the profitability of South Australia’s Pipi fishery.  By Catherine...
21 Nov 2023
Future leaders in Australia’s recreational fishing sector share how attending the 10th World Recreational Fishing Conference have inspired them in their current roles supporting their local...
21 Nov 2023
Six years on from the launch of Tuna Champions, project leader Professor Sean Tracey reflects on the success and evolution of the education campaign focused on recreational fishers and the iconic...
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