8 results

Seafood Marketing Symposium 2020

The Queensland Seafood Marketing Association (QMSA) produced a series of 8 Webinars with the focus on seafood marketing information. This was to coincide with the launch of Great Australian Seafood television campaign in late 2020, empowering industry to to take advantage of this campaign and apply...
Queensland Seafood Marketers Association Inc (QSMA)

RAC QLD: Queensland Seafood Marketing Symposium

The initial proposal to hold a marketing symposium in Queensland was based on the need to bring Industry together with particular reference to the post-harvest sector to provide, exchange and discuss information in an open forum regarding trends and/or needs in the existing value chain process which...
Queensland Seafood Marketers Association Inc (QSMA)

Treating prawns with an extended dip in Everfresh

Project number: 2003-417
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $39,023.00
Principal Investigator: Steve L. Slattery
Organisation: Queensland Seafood Marketers Association Inc (QSMA)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2004 - 4 Sep 2006


Even when using a 4-hexylresorcinol dip the protection provided is not uniform (Guandalini et al., 1998). The residue from a once off dip drops rapidly over a number of days storage. The authors found that towards the end of organoleptic acceptability 20-30% of prawns were unaffected by blackspot. This researcher noted similar uneven blackspot development during storage (Slattery et al., 1995). This outcome is obviously due to uneven exposure and retention of the limited amount of 4-hexylresorcinol that a quick dip in a solution of the chemical can supply.

There is limited information on the effect of longer term treatment with 4-hexylresorcinol but only at the same concentration as the short dip (Iyengar et al., 1991 and Slattery et al., 1995). Providing industry with this type of information will lead to more adoption of a safer chemical and less chemical treatment of prawns.

Unlike Australia, many importing countries have defined residue limits which the product has to comply with. It is unknown what residues are likely from any long term exposure. The only information available is from a one hour dip of live prawns in the standard concentration which resulted in very high residues.

A range of methods of using Everfresh that will provide good protection from blackspot, yet result in low residues, is needed by the prawn industry. This research will assist the APFA Tactical R&D Plan by increasing profitability through reduced usage and wastage of expensive chemicals. The QSMA have been trying to convince the wild capture prawn industry to adopt the use of Everfresh for some time. This work would meet ASIC concerns for quality and safety of seafood. This project also complies with the SSA Plans for Seafood Quality and Safety in Segment 3.


1. Identify alternate methods for treatment of aquaculture prawns with Everfresh to the standard 2 minute dip.
2. Identify alternate methods for treatment of wild caught prawns with Everfresh to the standard 2 minute dip.
3. Identify treatments that will result in residues that will comply with overseas requirements.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7345-0353-9
Author: Steven Slattery

National Seafood Emergency Plan - Queensland Trial Workshop

Project number: 2002-427
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,000.00
Principal Investigator: Martin Perkins
Organisation: Queensland Seafood Marketers Association Inc (QSMA)
Project start/end date: 16 Apr 2003 - 1 May 2004


Failure to deal quickly and effectively with a food safety incident may result in costly trade disruption and threaten the commercial viability of seafood suppliers, processors, wholesalers, retailers and food service providers.

The Seafood Emergency Plan was developed through Seafood Services Australia to provide a proactive and simple step-by-step response and recovery guide, should an emergency occur.

Queensland has participated in the initial stages of the SSA national plan and is keen to ensure the framework is established in this state.


1. Test the draft manual plan in a desktop exercise.
2. Introduce the nominated team members and alternates to the plan and train them in the use of the plan
3. Use learned experience to tailor the manual further in Queensland

Final report

Author: Martin Perkins
Final Report • 2004-04-08 • 150.51 KB


A National Seafood Emergency Plan was produced in 2001 and the individual States (apart from South Australia) have not tested their capability to handle an emergency that could jeopardise the future of the seafood industry.

There is a commitment from Industry leaders throughout Australia to develop and test a plan that could minimise the damage to industry that would arise from a major food safety incident involving Australian seafood.

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