Project number: 2017-196
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $46,000.00
Principal Investigator: Marshall Betzel
Organisation: Queensland Seafood Marketers Association Inc (QSMA)
Project start/end date: 28 May 2018 - 25 Oct 2018


Although a $2.7 billion industry the Australian seafood industry has traditionally lagged behind other primary producers in its ability to centrally organise, market and represent itself to consumers, regulators and the general public.
The formation of Seafood Industry Australia is a big step in correcting this anomaly.

There remains a strong need for seafood producers(fishers and Farmers) to understand the current seafood market,supply chain and advances in product development and marketing.

A further marketing symposium will provide industry with an update on the current trends and approaches, it would further benefit industry by:

1. Reinforcing with industry how effective marketing works.
2. Inspire participants with practical examples of effective marketing they coud apply at a sector, category or company level.
3. Showcase examples of effective marketing for domestic demand, export, trade and industry goodwill.
4. Identify and explain new marketing channels and the opportunities they present.
5. Demonstrate how to incorporate a systematic approach to developing a brand.
6. Identify meaningful and distinct consumer markets throgh market segmentation

It is clear the priority audience for the symposium are fishers and farmers looking to improve their profitability.


. 2 Outcome from Symposium should be that all sectors of Industry (ie Wild Catch, Aquaculture and Post Harvest) have a greater appreciation and understanding of the opportunities available to showcase their seafood through developed and innovative methods.
1. Create and promote a one day marketing Symposium
3. Develop an additional platform to Seafood Directions for all Industry sectors to convene and share information on a face to face level,

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